Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Motifs of mice of men

Motifs of mice and men there are alot of motifs in of mice and men like strength and weakness, corrupting powers of women, and loneliness and companionship just to name a few. The one im going to talk about is The corrupting powers of women that can cause men to do some crazy things in life.

In todays life women can be very convincing in many ways to name a couple there is causing problems between 2 men even though its her fault, getting free things just for flirting might cause a man his job and etc. In the movie Mice and men curley's wife is a threat to all the men that work there because she flirts every chance she gets and that can get them into big trouble. She's the bosses son wife but eventhough she married she doesnt care she see's it as getting the attention she needs from other men because she doesnt get it from her own husband. That cause her to use her looks as an advantage to get what she want from who she wants.

Being a women is a very powerful thing and we use that to get what we want no matter what the circumstances may be, wether its braking up a happy home to getting into a rich lifestyle.As you can see The corrupting powers of women is a very common thing in our everyday life and even in a fantasy world.

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